Mixed Emotions

When I dropped Moose off at school this morning, another little boy from his class was waiting with his mom for the teacher to come get them.  He saw Moose, and dragged his mother over so he could say “hi.” He remembered Moose’s name and everything, and seemed happy to see my boy.

Moose waved back at him, but didn’t say anything.  Now, I know he *can* say “hi” when he’s so inclined, but I have no idea if he *could* say the other child’s name, or if he even remembered what his name was.  

So, I’m glad that at least one child in the class seems to like my boy, and hopefully he doesn’t feel lonely or left out when he’s at school.  But it makes my heart hurt a bit that he can’t reciprocate a greeting like that, and that he can’t come home and tell me about the friends he’s making and the things he’s doing.  If he could, I guess this whole school thing wouldn’t really be necessary, but it’s still hard.

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