The Jesus Tree–Day Twenty-Three

Today’s reading was the story of the rich man and Lazarus as found in Luke 16:19-31. It’s a slightly less-familiar reading, at least for my children, so they really listened to the story. This led to a discussion about how people are given the chance to hear to the Word while on Earth, and there are no “do-overs” once you die. I thought that using an angel for the symbol was a bit of a stretch, because angels are only given the briefest of mention in verse 22, but then again, I guess I wouldn’t want a flame representing Hell on the tree, either. Not an easy reading to come up with a symbol for!

This was the first day where I had to use a children’s Bible not published by CPH to do our evening reading. Instead, I used our copy of the Egermeier’s Bible Story Book. This is also a good children’s Bible, because of how thorough it is. It covers more stories than are usually found in a children’s Bible, (like today’s reading),the stories tend to be longer and more detailed, and it also uses more sophisticated language than children’s Bibles tend to. It’s still a simplified version of the actual Bible text, but can be helpful in getting children used to listening to something a little closer to the words from the Bible.

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