Palm Sunday

Today is Palm Sunday, which marks the beginning of Holy Week. Also known as the Sunday of the Passion, on this day, we remember Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, where He was lauded with “hosannas,” and a path was made for Him with coats and branches spread on the road. He was cheered as a king, even though He was riding on a lowly animal–a donkey. In only a few short days, the excited crowd turns to excitement of a different kind, as they call for Jesus’ death. In addition to the Palm Sunday readings, which are found in Matthew 21, Mark 11, Luke 19, and especially John 12, it is common for the Gospel reading to recount the full passion of Jesus, such as the one recorded in Luke 23. This reading goes from the trial before Pilate through Jesus’s death and the Sabbath rest observed by the followers of Jesus.

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