
Bibelot–a small object of curiosity, beauty, or rarity.


“The deep red color of the bibelot recalls the blood of Christ that in Holy Baptism cleanses you from all sin.
The fruit of the Spirit stamped on the bibelot reminds you of Baptism’s ongoing fruit in your life as the Holy Spirit keeps you united to your Lord in living faith.
Through the ongoing gift of Baptism, God continues to pour out forgiveness and new life for you. Rejoice!”

Until today, I had never heard the word “bibelot.” These particular stones are from the font that was at the LCMS convention, and are inscribed with different fruit of the Spirit. I never passed by the font when I was there, so I had no idea these were in it, and even if I had seen them, I wouldn’t have known what they were! A friend from church was kind enough to pick up a few of them for us on the last day of the convention, and I think they look very nice surrounding the Paschal candle in our school room!


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