Make Music St. Louis

On June 21st, St. Louis participated in “Make Music Day,” a day that encourages the whole city to get involved in making all kinds of music. As part of this celebration, 17 non-restorable pianos were decorated and placed around the city to give them one last chance to provide music. Almost half of the pianos were placed up and down Delmar, so last week, Chickadee and I took a walk to find them…it was almost like cake hunting again!

The first piano we saw was very colorful:

I loved the contrast between the front and back of this piano:

It was much fun to see (and hear!) other people checking out pianos like this one as we walked!

The “Play Me” message on this piano was fun:

I think this piano wins the “most local” award!

I loved the cityscape on this one:

And Chickadee loved the colorful flowers on this one!

And one last piano:

Ever since “Cakeway to the West,” I have loved hearing about public art displays like this, and I love it even more when I get to see it for myself!

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