
This was the very rare year where Turkey’s and Chickadee’s birthdays fall in the same calendar week. Today was Chickadee’s turn…she is now seven!

We started the day early with present opening and cinnamon rolls. Chickadee was very excited not only to receive a new stuffed elephant, but also her first American Girl doll, and some clothes and accessories to go with her:

We spent the morning at the St. Louis Zoo, where we saw quite a few animals, including Chickadee’s favorite…the elephants:

We spent the afternoon watching Sailor Moon. After a dinner of Pizza Hut, we continued the day’s theme with an elephant-shaped birthday cake:

It’s hard for me to believe that my youngest child is seven. The years since Chickadee’s birth have gone by especially quickly, and I’m constantly surprised to realize what a big girl she is now!

The Elephant Show

A few pictures from the Grant’s Farm elephant show that we saw a few weeks ago, starring Bud:

“Vacuuming” Up Peanuts

With the Trainer

Striking a Pose

Trunk Aerobics

Elephant Shower

Waving Goodbye!