Missouri Pacific Building

The Missouri Pacific Building, located on 13th Street near the Central Library, is another beautiful old building in downtown St. Louis. Construction on the 22-story giant began in 1926 and was completed in 1928. As its name suggests, it was originally home to the now-defunct Missouri Pacific Railroad line. One of the most unusual features of the building is the use of “setbacks,” an architectural style popular in the 1920s and 30s.

There are many beautiful art deco and gothic details on the building.

It’s not just a broad building, but tall as well. You really get a sense of its height as you look up past the setbacks.

Did I mention the amazing details? Here you can see two railroad workers on either side of an engine, and an eagle, the symbol of the Missouri Pacific Railroad.

The building has been renovated, and is now home to the Park Pacific Apartments, as well as a few restaurants. Hopefully, this means the building will continue to be a St. Louis landmark for many years to come!