The Chinese Garden–April

Last week, we visited the Missouri Botanical Garden, and even though it was super early in the month, and only about two weeks since my last photo, I took this month’s picture of the Chinese Garden. Out of the four photographs I’ve taken this year, three of them have featured cloudy days…maybe we’ll see blue sky and sun again in May, but at least it’s starting to get really green at the garden, regardless of the weather!

The Chinese Garden–February

Sunday was another cloudy day at the Missouri Botanical Garden, but this time there was no fog, which gave me a much clearer view into the Chinese Garden:

The Chinese Garden–January

Hey, remember when I used to photograph a landmark at the Missouri Botanical Garden every month for a full year? And then the pandemic happened, and I abandoned my photography project of the Ottoman Garden early in 2020. I decided to give it a go again in 2021, and I made it about halfway through the year when construction on the Ottoman Garden saw it close for months, and I had to give up again. Well, I’m back…not with the Ottoman Garden (I know they say the third time’s the charm, but I’m not willing to risk it), but with the Chinese Garden, which was the next spot on my list I was hoping to photograph.

I’m going to be upfront and say I don’t even know if I’ll be able to do this every month all year. Before we had children in college, and before Moose was in high school, it was much easier to find time every month to visit the Garden. And I really do want to get back into that habit, because we do have a membership, and because I like spending time outdoors, and because it’s so beautiful and different each time we’re there. But I can recognize my limits, and the limits of time, so if I don’t get there every month, I’m not going to sweat it. I’m going to do my best to photograph it as often as possible, though, and I’m looking forward to seeing how it changes through the seasons!

The Ottoman Garden–August

For the second year in a row, I’m abandoning my “Mobot Through the Year” photography project, because for the second month in a row, the Ottoman Garden has been closed to visitors, and the best I could do was sneak a photo of the construction from the side of the (wrong for my pictures) gate:

I’m really bummed about this. Last year, everything was messed up, and while I wasn’t happy about giving up my project, at least it was understandable. But this year is just annoying…I was really looking forward to capturing the beauty of this space as fall approaches. To be honest, I don’t know what I’m going to do next year. I definitely will not be hoping that the “third time’s the charm” with the Ottoman Garden, because I know a cursed endeavor when I see one. But after two completely disappointing years, I’m not sure I have the heart to try somewhere else, either. I guess we’ll just have to see what happens when 2022 dawns!

The Ottoman Garden–July

My plan to photograph the Ottoman Garden at the Missouri Botanical Garden every month isn’t turning out so well (although I’m still doing way better this year than I did last year!).

Hopefully, they’ll finish whatever they’re working on in the next couple of weeks, and I’ll have some decent pictures in August!

The Ottoman Garden–June

On Friday, we had a rare evening visit to the Missouri Botanical Garden, which meant I got to see the Ottoman Garden in a different light…but it’s getting to the point where you almost can’t see the garden for the plants!

I’m kind of wondering if they’re going to turn the central fountain in the Ottoman Garden on at all this year…but I hope they do!

The Ottoman Garden–April

Spring has truly sprung in the Ottoman Garden!

I have really looked forward to these views, and they did not disappoint!

The Ottoman Garden–March (For Real This Time!)

Three months into the year, and I’ve already made it farther into my “Mobot Through the Year” series than I did last year!

One of my biggest sorrows last year when everything shut down was missing out on spring at the Missouri Botanical Garden, so I was extremely happy to be able to visit today. And the Ottoman Garden is the perfect spot to catch some early glimpses of spring…if you look closely, you might notice some hyacinths in the pictures!

Now that it’s warmer, I’m looking forward to more frequent visits to the Garden!