Planning Ahead

So, here it is, mid-May, and I’m planning for next school year.

What am I planning, you may ask?

Well, it’s not our third grade curriculum. No, I started thinking about that right after Christmas, and I’ve had my plan pretty solidified for a few months now.

What I’m planning now is our Christmas school for the year.

It’s really not that outlandish, honest. We’ll be starting Christmas school in under seven months, and I need to start brainstorming so it doesn’t take me by surprise. I need a theme, (which I’ve come up with–Christmas in America, through the centuries), and then I need resources, (which I’ve got a start on–using the American Girl series to show what Christmas was like at different points in American history). After that, I have to figure out crafts and field trips, what hymns/carols we might study, any movies/documentaries we’ll want to watch–it’s quite an undertaking.

Now, usually I’d start by thinking about Thanksgiving school at this time of year, and move on to Christmas in June or July. But since we’re using Adventures in My Father’s World for third grade, I don’t really have to worry about Thanksgiving school, as there is a whole week focusing on Thanksgiving built right into the schedule. This frees up my time, so I might as well dive right into Christmas plans.

Maybe it will help offset these unseasonably warm, upper 80 degree days we’ve been having already!