The Jesus Tree–Day Forty-Seven

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

Today’s readings were, of course, about the Resurrection. They were found in all four Gospels: Matthew 28:1-10; Mark 16:1-8; Luke 24:1-12; and John 20:1-18. To be honest, between the Easter Vigil last night and the Sunrise and Festival services this morning, we had heard most of these selections, so for the Jesus Tree, I just cut to the chase, and read from The Story Bible. I did this partly because we had just heard these readings, and partly to make time for two additional readings I wanted to get to today–the Emmaus Road passage found in Luke 24:13-35, which takes place on Easter evening, and The Very First Easter by Paul Maier, an excellent book which tells the whole Passion story, and concludes with the Ascension.

Only one more day of the Jesus Tree left, and only because I created an extra symbol to go with a reading for Easter Monday. I can’t believe how much we’re all going to miss this part of our day, but at least we can look forward to doing it again next year!