How Will We Survive When They’re Teenagers?

Our girls already have the whole drama thing figured out. I’ll give two examples:

One day, when Ladybug was feeling particularly wronged, she started weeping, (and that really is the perfect word to describe it), as she is prone to do. She had gone into another room to do her sulking, and I was trying to just ignore the whole situation, in hopes that it would end quicker. She piqued my curiosity, however, when I realized that she was not only weeping, she was also talking through the tears. So, I listen hard, to catch the words between the cries, and without her knowing I’m paying attention. This is what I hear:

Mommy doesn’t love me. Daddy doesn’t love me. Turkey doesn’t love me. Bunny doesn’t love me. Moose doesn’t love me.

I don’t know how many more people she might have added to that list, but I couldn’t stand it anymore, and started laughing. As she is also a big faker, as soon as she heard me laughing, the tears ended, as did her list of people who don’t love her.

Bunny, although not quite as dramatic, is also no stranger to the drama movement. Tonight, I told her to go sit with Daddy during prayers, because while she was sitting with me, she pushed her sister. Instead of going and sitting with Daddy, however, she went directly to her room. Her explanation for this?

Nobody loves me at all anymore!

Yep, asking her to sit elsewhere is the same as us not loving her…if they’re this dramatic at three and six, what in the world is going to happen when they’re 13 and 16?

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