The Jesus Tree–Day Forty

Today’s reading was found in only one Gospel–John 13:1-20. This is one part of the events that occurred on the day we now know as Maundy Thursday, the day the Feast of the Passover was celebrated, and when Jesus observed the Last Supper with His disciples. This reading focused specifically on when Jesus washed the disciples’ feet. Interestingly, even though this is a well-known story, this is the only other reading for which there was no corresponding story in any of our children’s Bibles. Maybe that’s because this is just one part of a larger story, or maybe because it’s only found in one Gospel. Still, I found it a little strange that we couldn’t read this one in any of the many children’s Bibles we have!

This is another story that I particularly like because, once again, Peter’s brashness and impulsivity is demonstrated. I can really relate to him, and never more than when he’s making a total and complete fool of himself!

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