Celebrating the Season of Easter

I wanted to do something a little extra special throughout the 50 days of Easter this year, something that would remind my children that Easter is a whole season, and not just one day. It also had to be something easy to accomplish, what with the new baby and all. No banners and daily readings and symbols for this season! I decided I’d make a different cake every week of the Easter season–something fun for me to do, but not something I usually do on a weekly basis, so it would be special and unique, and something my family would appreciate and enjoy.

I started with a carrot cake on Easter Sunday.

Easter week deserved a cake of its own, aside from the Easter Sunday cake, so I went with a chocolate Irish Cream cheesecake later in the week.

The following week, I made a plain Bailey’s Irish Cream cheesecake.

Next up was a tiramisu layer cake–I think this one was my personal favorite, and it looked so pretty!

That was followed by a coconut cream layer cake, something I’d been wanting to make for a while, but hadn’t gotten around to.

The next week was Ladybug’s birthday, so we had birthday cake.

I finally found a recipe that combines my two favorite desserts, (tiramisu and cheesecake), so our next cake was a–you guessed it–tiramisu cheesecake for Mother’s Day (yes, I made myself a Mother’s Day cake…it was my day, so I could do what I wanted!).

I tried another new recipe for a mocha mousse cake for our 11th anniversary–this was Ryan’s favorite out of all of the cakes I made.

The final week of Easter I tried a variation on an old recipe for a lemon cake–it was very fancy!

Stay tuned tomorrow to see what I made for Pentecost Sunday!

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