Twenty-Six Weeks

It’s hard to believe we’re at the halfway point of Chickadee week-by-week! Today was a very busy day…we started at the doctor’s office this morning for a well-baby visit.

Chickadee weighs almost 15.5 pounds, and is 25 inches long, which puts her in the 75th percentile for height and weight…she’s a big, tall girl like her sisters.

We enjoyed all of the compliments the doctor had for us…she was very impressed with where Chickadee is developmentally (of course!), especially in the areas of hand-eye coordination and grip strength, as Chickadee tried to steal the doctor’s stethoscope, and wouldn’t let go! We did not enjoy the shots, though…they were exhausting!

It helped that she was wearing her (our) very favorite shirt today…it’s almost as cute as she is!

Chickadee has also started eating solid foods this week. After watching us eat with great interest for the last three months, she was rather disappointed with her rice cereal.

She is, however, very interested in eating the spoon!

Chickadee is also making progress in the crawling department. She still mostly army crawls, but does get up on her hands and knees every now and then…and usually face-plants on the carpet shortly thereafter! But she’s enjoying being able to get to toys herself, and follow people around.

Watch out world, here she comes!

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