The Great Schoolroom Rearrangement of 2014

I’ve been thinking about a major schoolroom rearrangement for a while now, but I was afraid to do it because it involved moving a lot of stuff up and down the stairs (not to mention figuring out how to remove and then reinstall the gate at the top of the stairs!). Last night, I decided it just needed to be done, so Ryan and I moved a bookshelf and a couch downstairs, and another two bookshelves and an almost couch upstairs. It was a lot of work, and involved a lot of cleaning once I discovered how much stuff had gotten trapped under the couch in the schoolroom. Several hours of hard work later, though, I’m very pleased with the end result:


I think this is the most efficient use of the available space. Before, the corner bookshelf was almost impossible to get to, even for the children, and Turkey’s desk space was very cramped. Now the whole room is much more walkable, and the storage is much, much better. I hope I don’t think of any other ways to rearrange it for quite some time…I’m not sure my back could handle it!

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