Sartorial Saturday–Erstwilder: The Complete Collection

I had so much fun sharing a picture of my Splendette Duchess Bangles collection that I thought I’d do the same thing with my Erstwilder brooches. I don’t have a ton of them, and they’re not the only brooches in my wardrobe, but there’s something really special about Erstwilder products, from the adorable packaging, to the quirky designs, to the handwritten notes that accompany orders. And, yes, the flamingo scarf is an Erstwilder item, too!

Each one of these pieces is very special to me, because I always choose them carefully (something you must do when you’re considering placing an order from a company in Australia!). I love them all, but I do admit I have some favorites…especially the “Matryoshka Memories” set, which is the newest item in my collection, and the “Kiss Me Kindly” mistletoe, which I love wearing at Christmastime when I’m not wearing my fancy Christmas brooch!

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