2020-21 School Year–Week Twenty-Seven

Hymn of the Week–“Sing, My Tongue, the Glorious Battle” (Lutheran Service Book #454)

We made it to spring break!

As is often the case the week before a vacation, things were kind of a blur, especially since we took a day off for Chickadee’s birthday. So let’s take a whirlwind look at some of what we did.

Turkey and Bunny started reading Fahrenheit 451. They also had a rapid tour of the lymphatic system in advanced biology. Ladybug and Chickadee learned about the Space Race and the Cold War in history. Ladybug wrote another short essay, this time on the formation of tornados. Chickadee and I started reading The Boxcar Children. She also had her last catechesis class, which is a Big Deal, because she is being confirmed tomorrow!

Now I’m looking forward to having some time off!

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