A Day in Our School

Here’s what a typical school day looks like for us, for those who are interested.

9:00 a.m. We start our school day with our memory verse for the week, calendar and weather.

9:05 a.m. Bible and catechism (on Mondays, we also learn about the different parts of the Divine service, so our morning schedule on Mondays is pushed back 10 minutes).

9:20 a.m. Math

9:50 a.m. Language Arts, including reading, copywork and creative expression.

10:10 a.m. Spelling

10:20 a.m. Handwriting

10:35 a.m. Read-aloud time from our current Little House: The Rose Years book.

We’re usually done for the morning by about 10:50, and we take a break then, which includes lunchtime (and naptime for Bunny and the little ones)–that’s the beauty of homeschooling–the only schedule we have to follow is our own!

2:00 p.m. We start up again for the afternoon with History, Geography, poetry, and our Sonlight read-aloud for the week.

2:30 p.m. Science (on Thursdays, we have science experiment day).

On Wednesday afternoons, we look at a page-spread in First Thousand Words in German, on Fridays we have electives (either art or music appreciation).

P.E. is fit in in a variety of ways, including as part of spelling (you’ll have to trust me on that one), or in our down time after we’re done for the morning. It’s amazing the stuff kids are willing to do, without having any idea that it’s part of their education!

Fridays are also usually half-days for us, as we are only doing math and spelling four days a week at this point, and science is light on Fridays. That will change half-way through our school year, though, and then we’ll probably have the same schedule all five days.

On an average day, we’re done with school around 3:00 p.m. So, we have about three solid hours in the classroom every day (except Friday), which is at least twice as much time as Kindergarten took us. I hope we don’t see that kind of time doubling every year!