The Jesus Tree–Day Twenty-Two

Today’s reading was The Parable of The Prodigal Son from Luke 15:11-32. You could also easily call this “The Parable of The Lost Son,” as it falls in the same chapter of Luke as The Parables of The Lost Sheep and The Lost Coin, thus emphasizing how Jesus came to seek the lost. I have also heard this parable referred to by a pastor as “The Parable of The Waiting Father,” thus putting the emphasis of the story on God, and not on us. I really like that way of looking at it, and I shared that with the children as we read the story. While there is certainly more information in the parable about the son and his exploits, the real point of the story is the father, who waited, and then welcomed his wayward son with open arms, (and a ring, as pictured in the symbol for today)  just as God does with us sinners. No matter how you refer to it, it’s a great analogy of God’s love for (and patience with) us!