Back in Bach

Ryan is back singing with the American Kantorei at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis. Today was his first performance, and as I’m not sure if I’ll be up to taking all five children to the next concert in April, I wanted to make sure we made it today. I have to confess, I was a little worried about the children sitting through a performance of that length, but I didn’t need to be. I will admit, though, that they weren’t fans of some of the more…emphatic…organ pieces. There was one particular part in the program where all four of them tried to cover their ears, and I had a flashback to my own childhood, when my dad used to blast organ music.

It was a nice afternoon. The children really liked seeing their Daddy sing, and I enjoyed the compliments regarding the children’s behavior that I got from what seemed like half of the audience after the performance was done. Turkey also got to see where he was baptized, which he really enjoyed. As for April’s concert…well, we’ll just have to see. I really like having the opportunity to take them to hear performances such as this, especially ones showcasing the work of the “Fifth Evangelist,” but I’m not making any promises for the first month after Chickadee’s birth!

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