2023-24 School Year–Week Twenty-One

First, a look at something fun we did over the weekend that wasn’t specifically school-related, but did involve history and literature…the first-ever Once Upon a Valentine event in St. Charles, MO! Ladybug and Chickadee were excited to run into a favorite character from Legends and Lanterns, the Queen of Hearts:

Ladybug rewrote logarithms to exponential and base form and found the characteristic and mantissa in pre-calculus. She learned about the period of motion for a pendulum in physics. In religion she read about John Chrysostom. She finished reading The Divine Comedy and started Macbeth. In US history, she read about the era of Reconstruction. She read about Edward I and the First Scottish War of Independence in world history. She finally finished the chapter on micronutrients in health.

Chickadee learned how to find the area of a circle in math. She finished the Old Testament in religion. In science she started learning about the five senses. She’s almost done with The Hobbit. In history, she learned about the War of the Roses and the Princes in the Tower. She learned about conditional sentences and the subjunctive in grammar.

We’re over halfway done with February now, which is fine by me!

Chickadee Thursday

Over the weekend, we went to the inaugural “Once Upon a Valentine” event on Historic Main Street in St. Charles, MO, and Chickadee had so much fun meeting the characters!

She protested with Anne of Cleves

And got some wooing tips from Femme Fatale and Casanova:

She had her mugshot taken with the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre Gangsters:

And tried her hand at archery with Cupid:

She also enjoyed meeting The Conversation Hearts, a singing group with fabulous costumes:

This was a fantastic event, and we all had a great time!

Chickadee Thursday

On Sunday, we enjoyed a visit to the Orchid Show at the Missouri Botanical Garden, as well as a walk through the Linnean House, where we saw what I can only describe as a poinsettia tree!

2023-24 School Year–Week Nineteen

Well, we made it to February, my least favorite month of the year, and a February with an extra day to boot! Before we said goodbye to January, though, we did something really fun we’ve been planning for a while…we went ice skating! Ladybug especially loved it, and while I never did make it out to the center of the rink, I did do several laps around it, and I even let go of the wall occasionally! It was a lot of fun!!!

On to the schoolwork. Ladybug identified functions, domain, and range in pre-calculus. She finished her three-year-long grammar curriculum, ending with the difference between active and passive voice. She continued to read “The Paradiso.” In physics, she finished the chapter on momentum with angular momentum. She also finished the chapter on macronutrients in health. In history, she read about Louis IX.

Chickadee converted customary and metric measurements in math. We read about Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and the Babylonian captivity of the Jews in religion. In science, she had a brief overview of the endocrine system before taking a closer look at the central nervous system. We continued reading The Hobbit. In grammar, she learned about restrictive and non-restrictive clauses. She read about the fall of Constantinople in 1453 and Suleiman the Lawgiver in history.

I don’t know how I’m going to top the fun activity we had this week, but I’m going to have to find something to do to make February more enjoyable!

Chickadee Thursday

When we took Bunny back to college last weekend, we also had the opportunity to see the night sky with a bit less light pollution than we have at home, and Chickadee was very excited that Moose was willing to point out all the constellations he knows, and then help her draw them, too!