2014-15 School Year–Week Twenty

We managed to get all of our work done in four and a half days last week so we could join Moose on his 1/2 day on Friday…it meant hard work, but also a fun afternoon!

Math continued to be mostly review. Turkey and Bunny are working with the metric system again, but it’s been a while, so they needed a little prompting to remember what they had learned earlier. Ladybug has continued practicing naming fractions and working with money.

In our black history month lessons, we learned about the Civil War and Frederick Douglass. Medieval history took us to the kingdoms of Spain and Portugal, where we learned about Ferdinand and Isabella. We haven’t gotten to Columbus yet, so we still have that to look forward to.

Our botany lessons focused on ferns, vascular plants that reproduce with spores instead of seeds. We all found the life cycle of the fern fascinating, and we were hoping to spot some ferns with spores present when we went to the Botanical Garden yesterday, but all of the ferns we saw were spore-free. We’ll have to remember to keep looking each time we visit…we should be able to see some eventually.

We have also continued our study of Anne of Green Gables, as well as the Grandma’s Attic series. I’m really enjoying Anne of Green Gables, and it’s really hard to stop reading after one chapter each day. I don’t want to give Turkey and Bunny more than one written lesson a day, though, so I’m trying to have some restraint. I’m glad the children still like it when I read aloud, because I still really enjoy doing it!

I think we’ll be taking the day off tomorrow, since Moose will be home again. We’re going to have some fun learning about Mardi Gras on Tuesday, and then adding Lenten studies to our religion lessons later in the week.

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