2013-14 School Year–Week Seventeen

Well, this week was about what you’d expect after about a month off. We got everything done, but it all took longer than usual. And some of the tests were…less than stellar. I’ll take responsibility for the Greek myths test…I should have given them more review of the stories we had read back in December before throwing a test at them. But the spelling test…well, I guess we really need some work on “i before e!”

Anyway, it was a pretty good week, tests aside. We’re working on memorizing an Epiphany hymn…”As with Gladness Men of Old.”  All of Turkey’s and Bunny’s writing assignments focused on activities they did over Christmas vacation, which they enjoyed, while Ladybug worked on classifying different nouns. Math was primarily review for everyone…Turkey and Bunny will be starting on some more in-depth geometry next week, including measuring angles! We learned about mythology in history, as well as the Peloponnesian War. Next week, we’ll be learning about Alexander the Great! I’m really looking forward to that.

In science, we learned all about Mars. The children really enjoyed this lesson. They had the chance to plan their own development on Mars, and Turkey, especially, really went into a lot of detail, including things like a monetary system, in addition to architecture, agriculture, and government. It was fascinating to see what they think it would be like to live on a different planet! We also made a volcano…a kind of replica of Olympus Mons. It worked pretty well, and wasn’t quite as messy as I feared. My knowledge of homemade volcanos comes from watching the Brady Bunch, I guess!


In Scottish history, we made it almost to William Wallace and Robert the Bruce. I’ve promised the children that once we finish Scotland’s Story, I’ll buy Brave, which we somehow haven’t seen yet. I’ve even considered buying the new Brave Lego set…I’m always looking for a way to incorporate Lego sets into school!

We’re getting close to the start of Olympics…we’ll be adding some extra studies about Tchaikovsky and ballet and anything else I can think of soon!