Chickadee Thursday

When we were in Forest Park last day for our field trip to the Missouri History Museum, we just had to stop by Pagoda Circle and see how the fall color is coming along. I was actually surprised at the amount of color we saw, even though it’s no where near the peak yet!

Quote of the Day

“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers. It would be terrible if we just skipped from September to November, wouldn’t it?” Anne Shirley in Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery

2022-23 School Year–Week Thirty

It’s been a busy week! On Wednesday, we took a field trip to see the new “Soccer City” exhibit at the Missouri History Museum. It was pretty cool (we even got to see some very recent history, because they had the ball that scored the first goal for St. Louis City SC on display!), and there were some fun, hands-on activities including foosball and a soccer video game that I was truly terrible at!

Even though our main purpose for driving into the city was touring that exhibit, the best part of the day was exploring the Anne O’C. Albrecht Nature Playscape in Forest Park for the first time (plus a brief stop at Turtle Park). It’s a great outdoor space, and while we were there, we got to see a few owls from the World Bird Sanctuary in Vally Park, which was really interesting.

The rest of the week wasn’t quite so exciting. Ladybug solved equations with three variables in algebra 2, which wasn’t as difficult as she was expecting. We started a chapter on kinetics in chemistry and she learned about reaction rates and rate orders. She read about William the Conqueror and the Norman Conquest in history (it was pretty exciting to learn about the first coronation at Westminster Abbey with the next coronation just over a week away!). In creative writing, she had to write a poem about a significant event (she chose COVID-19) within her lifetime. She started her last selection in literature, Everyman.

Chickadee continued to work with the metric system in math. We read more about dinosaurs in science, and I learned that Chickadee’s favorite dinosaur is the triceratops (mine is the maiasaura in case you were wondering). She started reviewing all of the poems she’s memorized this year (six of them!). We only have one chapter of Smoke on the Wind left.

Just two more weeks of school, and we’re hoping for two more field trips, too!

Chickadee Thursday

Yesterday we visited the Anne O’C. Albrecht Nature Playscape in Forest Park for the first time…it’s a fantastic place, and so much fun!

Chickadee Thursday

We stopped by Forest Park after church on Sunday to get a last glimpse of the fall color at Pagoda Circle. We weren’t expecting the amount of rain that was falling, but Chickadee was a good sport, and it was pretty in spite of the weather!