The Home Opener

Today was the St. Louis Cardinals home opener…and they won! We had our annual Opening Day feast, and it was a little bit familiar and a little bit different. We decided that this year, we would skip our usual Chicago style dogs and brats and instead try recipes featuring “Sonic’s Signature Chili” from Sonic the Hedgehog: The Official Cookbook. We had “The Perfect Chili Dog,” which was topped with chili (of course), shredded cheddar, chopped onions, and mustard. Next was “A Rival’s Chili Dog,” topped with chili (again), and a simple slaw. Both were delicious!

We also tried a (red) drink from the Sonic cookbook: “Knuckles’s Fruit Punch” which was light and refreshing (and yes, I chose blue swizzle sticks so we could pretend they were Sonic’s quills!).

I let Schnucks take care of dessert, with a giant cookie cake from their bakery and Cherry Cardinals Crunch ice cream!

We didn’t have nachos or pretzels this year…we really didn’t have time to enjoy eating them with how busy today was. But we really enjoyed trying some new recipes, and even if the menu was slightly different, the vibe was the same!

Chickadee Thursday

After being probably the only people in the St. Louis area who hadn’t seen it, Chickadee and I ran into Tally, the inventory robot, at two different Schnucks in the last week!

Chickadee Thursday

We’re stuck inside (yet another ice day), so this week’s picture is from earlier in the week, when we stopped at Schnucks.

They’re remodeling what used to be a Shop ‘N’ Save location to look more like a Schnucks store, and Chickadee has been begging to take a picture with this standee for the last several weeks. I’m glad I finally got a shot, because there’s certainly not much going on at home today!

Retro Schnucks Sign

I really have no idea how old this Cahokia Schnucks sign actually is (the store itself appears to be an old Kroger, so old enough, I suppose), but it feels retro to me, maybe because it’s a cube. I also think the Schnucks soldier probably has something to do with it…while you see him on their trucks and in their advertising, he doesn’t appear on store signs too often!

Update: The good people at Schnucks were kind enough to give me a little background on the store location and sign. I was correct that it was originally a Kroger store, which opened in 1982, and was purchased by Schnucks in 1986. They inserted the Schnucks soldier logo (which debuted way back in 1968 as part of their “Revolutionary Low Prices” campaign), into the original store sign at that point.