Taking Bobunk on the Road

It’s February, which means it’s time for our favorite made-up holiday, Bobunk! This year, we didn’t just celebrate with dinner out…we had a Bobunk trip to visit Bunny at college!

One of the things she was most excited to show us, and that I was most looking forward to seeing (other than her, of course!) was the college library. We started with a treat from the coffee shop just across the bridge into the main library, which also meant a stop by the historic basketball court, still in place following the building of the current stadium in the 60s:

The we visited the library proper. Nine floors…can you imagine?!? I couldn’t believe the sheer number of books, and I loved seeing all the cozy little study and collaborative spaces throughout the different floors!

The view from the top floor is as amazing as you’d imagine:

I always enjoy seeing the art installations around the campus:

And the lovely views in general:

We even ran into Big Red himself!

It wouldn’t be Bobunk without a special meal, so we went to one of Bunny’s favorite restaurant, Slim Chickens, which I really enjoyed. I tried the chicken and waffle, and the waffle was even heart-shaped!

And for dessert, we got Shamrock Shakes at McDonald’s:

It was a really fun weekend, and a great way to celebrate Bobunk!