
Quote of the Day

“Coffee should be a little too hot to drink right away…It slows down the experience, gives you time to savour the taste.” Nana Visitor as Kira Nerys on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

2016-17 School Year–Week Three

We had another busy week in school!

Turkey, Bunny, and Ladybug have all continued to blow through their math review. It’s always a great relief to me to see that they retained what they learned the previous year. I’ve looked ahead, though, and next week we’re finally getting into some new material…I hope they’re ready!

Turkey and Bunny had their first science test this week, and they both did an excellent job. They have moved on to a study of air, which has included learning about humidity, something we are all quite sick of at this point! Ladybug is excited to learn about whales, and I’m looking forward to learning about narwhals with her (an animal I didn’t even know actually existed until a few years ago!).

We read about Commodore Perry and the re-opening of Japan to the west in history this week. We also learned about the Crimean War, and talked some about how you could already see World War I coming at that point. The first history test of the year was also a success for my students!

Ladybug has continued her literature story of The Blue Fairy Book. We couldn’t believe how different the story of Cinderella was in that book compared to the Disney version with which we’re familiar. Turkey and Bunny began their study of Treasure Island, a book which I have never read before…we’ve read the first three chapters, and I’m just as curious as they are to see what happens next!

Chickadee has continued to learn what sounds the letters make, and has added shapes to her studies. I was surprised to learn that she didn’t know “circle,” but was very familiar with “triangle”…I have no idea why! We have read a lot of books together…it’s a good thing she doesn’t get tired of hearing the same stories over and over!

We had a field trip day on Thursday again this week. First, we visited the Flags of Valor installation on Art Hill in Forest Park. I sometimes find it hard to believe that none of my children were born before 9/11, but it’s still a big part of their history. They were just as overwhelmed by the magnitude of the display as I was.


From there, we went to the St. Louis Science Center. The children always want to build an arch while we’re there, and it’s getting easier to get it done now that they’re taller!


I bought tickets to the Star Show while we were there. Unfortunately, the StarBay was closed for renovations, but we did get to see a show in the Unisphere, which was basically an inflatable dome. While the location was a little unusual (we had to crawl into it on our hands and knees, making my skirt a poor fashion choice that day!), our timing was excellent, because they were doing a special presentation on the OSIRISREx spacecraft’s mission to the asteroid Bennu, which we watched launch on NASA TV Thursday evening.


Even more excellent timing…yesterday was Star Trek’s 50th birthday, and we got to see the special exhibits set up at the Science Center!

I’m kind of enjoying this every-other-week pattern of field trips…I’ll have to see what I can come up with in another two weeks!

Quote of the Day

I love this quote…it demonstrates how baseball imitates life!

In the end, it comes down to throwing one pitch after another, and seeing what happens. With each new consequence, the game begins to take shape. Avery Brooks as Commander Sisko in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Quote of the Day

Ryan and I were watching Star Trek: The Next Generation last night, and this line made me laugh out loud, even while I appreciated the truth that can be found in it. Spoken like a true Irishman!

Every moment of pleasure in life has to be purchased by an equal moment of pain. Barrie Ingham as Danilo O’Dell in Star Trek: TNG

Quote of the Day

“A child… a moron… a failure… and a psychopath. Quite a little team you’ve put together.” Jeffrey Combs as Brunt on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (“The Magnificent Ferengi”)

Maybe That’s the Problem!

As I was pondering my recent uncontrollable sneezing, I remembered this quote from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine:

“Bajoran women have been sneezing their way through pregnancy for over 100,000 years. You can’t expect me to cure it overnight.” Dr. Julian Bashir

I think I’m on to something, here. Maybe I’m part Bajoran, and this is a perfectly normal aspect of my pregnancy!

Or maybe I’m just weird…