Lego Pet Shop–Night One

Tonight we got started on my Lego birthday present for the year…the Lego Pet Shop.


This set has two instructions books, and they’re each divided into two sections. I imagine we’ll use the natural breaks to make this a four night project. Night one introduced us to one minifig:


One of the first things we got to do was build a little flower bed under what would later become a nice bay window:


This set is different from all of the other modular buildings, in that it is built in side-by-side halves. I really like this model, and hope Lego might do some other sets like this in the future…it looks so nice, and it mixes up the display options!


There’s a Lego bathroom, which is endlessly amusing, and an interesting micro build:


The spiral staircase may be my favorite detail so far:


But there are lot of other cool details, too, including a trap door!

This was only the bottom portion of one half of the building…I can’t wait to add to it!

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