Lego Palace Cinema–Night Three


Tonight we finished the Lego Palace Cinema. One of the first things we worked on was the door leading to the roof:


The roof tiles were also an early addition to the set:

As was this gong, which I think is a really fun touch!


One of the best parts of the set, though, is the signs…they look great on their own, and even better put together!

The moviegoers have discovered that the stairs lead to the secret roof door:


The front facade of the building, minus the signs:


And from the side and the front, once the signs were added:

Because this is a corner piece, I decided to leave a street between it and the Pet Shop, so the limo can drive through:


A view of our entire Lego street:


This was a fun build. I really love how it mimics Grauman’s Chinese Theater. I also love that it’s our second corner building…it really adds options for how we display our street. The next building we add will be the Town Hall…we already decided that it will be our Christmas gift this year, and it’s even been purchased already. Since it is for Christmas, though, it will be a while before we build it. After that, we’ll be looking forward to finding out what the next modular building will be, and how it will fit into our street!

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