
Quote of the Day–National Beer Day


“April seventh is here, and it is a real occasion for thankfulness, marking a newfound freedom for the American people, made possible by the wisdom, foresight and courage of a great president and the cooperation of an understanding Congress. There is a song in our hearts: it’s ‘Happy Days Are Here Again.’ And they are here again, for out of a maze of confusion and anxiety has come a beacon light to guide the way to better times. Happy, grateful men are back to work after what seemed an endless idleness.

Once again, freight cars are rolling in, loaded with grain from American farms, bottles and cases and various equipment, as well as coal and supplies from industries long suffering from the Depression, while others soon will be rolling out and onward, contributing their share toward the rehabilitation of industry, agriculture, and transportation…a new and greater era looms on the horizon for our people, one that will result in a happier and more secure existence for us all.

Good night, and good luck. Beer is now being served.” Gussie Busch, “Reading from a script he surely had not written but every word of which he certainly believed,” as quoted in Bitter Brew by William Knoedelseder

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