The Jesse Tree–Day Ten

Today’s reading was about Joshua, specifically how he led the Israelites in the defeat of Jericho (Joshua 6:20). We also talked about how Moses had died before making it to the Promised Land, and how God chose Joshua to take his place as the Israelite’s leader. This is a favorite story around here, even if it is difficult to read it without thinking about purple slushies!

The Jesse Tree–Day Nine

Today’s reading was about Aaron, the man God provided to speak for Moses (Exodus 4:10-17). We learned about the great works God used him for, including turning his staff into a snake, and confronting Pharaoh with the plagues and their aftermath.

The Jesse Tree–Day Eight

We began the second week of Advent with a reading about Moses. We learned how he was saved from Pharaoh’s order that baby boys be killed, that he was called by God to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, and that he was given the 10 Commandments by God to take to the Israelites (Exodus 20:1-17). This theme will continue for the next two days, as we also read about Aaron and Joshua leading Israel back to the Promised Land.

The Jesse Tree–Day Seven

We finished our first week of readings with the story of Joseph and his coat of many colors (Genesis 37:1-11). The stories surrounding Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob and Esau, and Jacob’s wives and children always provide an opening for discussing family dynamics, and how even our Biblical heroes were sinners like us. One only need to look at the favoritism shown throughout this family line to see that a.) they made poor parenting choices, and 2.) the sins of the father really are passed on down the line, as history continues to repeat itself. This reading also provided a segue to the Israelites stay in, and flight from, Egypt, setting up the story as to why they were there in the first place, before the first several readings for next week focus on Israel’s return to the Promised Land.

The Jesse Tree–Day Six

We read about Jacob’s dream at Bethel (Genesis 28:10-22) today. This again was to emphasize that all generations would be blessed through his family line, in the form of the coming Messiah. We also discussed Jacob wrestling with God on his way back to his family (Genesis 32:22-32) I couldn’t help but think of Numbers 24:17a, while we were reading this story:

I see him, but not now;
I behold him, but not near:
a star shall come out of Jacob,
and a scepter shall rise out of Israel…

The Jesse Tree–Day Five

Today’s reading (Genesis 22:1-19) was entitled “Isaac and Rebekah,” but to be fair, it was really just about Isaac. The Bible reading was about Abraham offering Isaac as a sacrifice, and at what seemed like the last minute, God providing a ram. There’s a part of me that always hates reading this story with my children, lest they think God might ask their parents to sacrifice them. To their credit, however, their minds have never even gone there, (I guess it helps that we’re no longer expected to offer any kind of burnt offering!), so the uncomfortability with this story is totally my own. The reading is, of course, excellent foreshadowing of Christ’s own sacrifice for us.

The Jesse Tree–Day Four

Today we read about Abraham and Sarah, also known as Abram and Sarai before their names were changed (Genesis 12:1-7; Hebrews 11:8-12), packing up and leaving for Canaan at God’s command. This was a good chance to talk about Abraham being the start of the Israelite people, even though it would be his grandson that would actually bear the name Israel. We also talked a bit about the similarities between Abraham setting off for the unknown land of Canaan, and the Israelites leaving Egypt with almost as much uncertainty to go back there, (that discussion will continue in a few days when we learn about Moses and Joshua).

The camel on the ornament did cause a bit of confusion initially, because the children’s assumption was that we would be learning about the Magi. Once I explained Abraham’s caravan, however, they understood why such a beast would be necessary!

The Jesse Tree–Day Three

In today’s reading, we learned about Noah and the flood (Genesis 6:11-22; 9:8-17). We talked about the sad state the world was in, and how God saved faithful Noah and his family, (along with the animals), from the flood. We also discussed the covenant God made with Noah after the flood, and how the rainbow will always be a symbol of that covenant.

The Jesse Tree–Day One

The children were very excited to start our Jesse Tree today. I got a small, pre-lit Christmas tree on clearance last year, so instead of sticking the ornaments to a poster board tree on the wall, we get to actually hang them up. For some reason, this makes it an even more exciting activity!

Today’s reading started at the very beginning–literally. We read the account of the sixth day of creation (Genesis 1:26-31), and talked about how Jesus was present even then. In the coming days, the readings will focus mostly on people, starting with Adam and Eve, and ending with Jesus Himself.

This is still a relatively new tradition for our family, but it’s one I hope we’ll be enjoying for many years to come!