An Obsession with Peaches

Summertime is peach season, and I think most people would agree that there’s nothing like a nice, fresh peach.

I mean, who doesn’t love a peach crisp?

Wade, however, takes the love of a peach to a whole new obsessive level.

He even dreams about peaches…but sometimes, even peachy dreams can be scary!

Or was it a dream?

I don’t know why it didn’t occur to me before, but I planted a peach tree outside his house, and added a peach surprise box, just to make him happy…and, well, surprised. Yes, I’m also dressed like a peach!

I will say that Wade is certainly an easy guy to buy presents for…a simple peach will do the trick!

I love discovering the quirks of my neighbors!

A Museum Tour

I think this is the final entry in my Animal Crossing: New Horizons “Island Tour” series (unless someone has a suggestion for another tour I could take)!

I know the museum is pretty standard from island to island, but I wanted to share a look at the museum on Gloriana through my eyes, which will hopefully offer a unique perspective, starting with the beautiful entrance:

I am nowhere near collecting all of the art, but I think I’ve done better in this game than I have in any previous Animal Crossing game. It would be nice if I didn’t keep getting forgeries from Crazy Redd and even sometimes my neighbors. I’m sharing photos of some of my favorite spaces in the art galleries, including the “Informative Statue” (Rosetta Stone) that was a gift to me from Roald.

The fossils are by far the easiest collection to complete…I had them all within a few months of playing the game. I really like how the displays are set up, and the spot in the main room that zooms out so you can really see the skeletons is a great detail!

My insectarium is almost complete…I’m only missing a handful of bugs. For the first time in an Animal Crossing game, I managed to catch both a tarantula and a scorpion without asking for help! The butterfly room is gorgeous, and I also like the addition of the laboratory.

My favorite part of the museum is the aquarium. The colors and light are so beautiful, and it all looks so real! I’m also missing a few creatures here…hopefully I’ll add them soon! I have enjoyed many visits to this spot by myself, with my neighbors, and with visitors to my island (so, my daughters).

No trip to the museum would be complete without stopping by to see Blathie. I do miss the days when Celeste and Brewster also both had spaces in the museum, though!

I hope you’ve enjoyed taking a look at Gloriana…if you want to walk around for yourself, my Dream Address is DA-5313-0640-4319.

Chickadee Thursday

Chickadee visited my island yesterday…she’s helping me water my purple tulips so they reproduce faster. We decided to go with a fun fruit theme for our wardrobe (inspired by the watermelon hat Roald gave me on the Fourth of July), and I think we’re just adorable!

Now I just have to finish collecting the pieces of the strawberry outfit…I’d like to have more fruit-themed options!

An Island Tour of Homes

As promised, here’s a tour of all of my neighbors’ homes on my island!

First up, my next-door-neighbor Roald’s house. He still has the St. Patrick’s Day door decoration I gave him hanging up. Actually, a good number of the items in his house were also gifts from me…I love that he has them on display!

Aurora has a cute house with a little library out front. I love her snowflake and ice decor inside, too!

Cube has the same doorplate as Roald. The inside of his house hasn’t changed too much, but he does have a few items from me on display, including the robot I gave him for Christmas.

Like Roald and Cube, Wade also has a St. Patrick’s Day doorplate, and since he likes fish, I made some wooden fish to go next to his house. Speaking of fish, his house is full of them…I don’t know if they’re pets, or if he’s planning a large meal, but I’m not going to dwell on it.

Sprinkle has a nice birdbath outside of her house…that’s not weird since she’s technically a bird, is it? Her shell furniture is from one of my favorite series, and it goes so nicely with the icy items!

Iggly has a beehive outside of his house, which is located right by my apple orchard/pumpkin patch. His illuminated trees are so pretty, and he always has plenty of popsicles on hand!

Just outside Puck’s door is a doghouse, and my black and gold rose garden. I got the idea for my ice bar from his house, but mine doesn’t include a fish!

Boomer has a log garden lounge next to his house, which is good, because he’s a lazy villager. In addition to ice furniture, he has a cute snowman!

Antonio has a spa outside his door, but you can’t really see it here. His house is extremely plain…I guess he’s too busy working out to decorate.

And finally, Ursula’s house, with a music stand right next to it, because she likes to sing. I really love how cozy the inside of her house is!

I made sure to plant at least one lily-of-the-valley, the symbol of my perfect town rating, outside of each of my neighbors’ homes. Many of the houses also have seasonal shrubs, in addition to the special furniture items I placed outside, to add a little extra curb appeal. They all seem happy with their homes and the island, so I think I’ve done a good job!

An Island Home Tour

I’ve shared a tour of Gloriana, my island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons; now it’s time for a tour of my house!

My main room is the one I spent the most time and work on. The mermaid-themed items were created from recipes I received from Paschal, and made with pearls he also gave me. It took quite a bit of effort to collect everything, and I also added some pieces using special recipes that require seasonal summer shells.

Next up is what I call my “cozy room.” It might be my favorite because it contains some special items and some awards I’ve received in the game, plus posters of all of my penguin neighbors.

I don’t just have a kitchen in my house…I have a whole diner! The jukebox is especially fun, but I also have music playing in every other room of my house, too…and a different KK Slider piece in each, to boot!

My cute room is my newest addition to my house. Originally, I was working on a room featuring white rattan furniture, but I got tired of trying to collect the non-native items (my island normally has black rattan furniture), so I switched it up entirely. This room also has all of my other villager posters, including those of my two non-penguin neighbors, as well as those of some of my daughters’ neighbors.

Upstairs is my antique room, which seems appropriate for an attic. Yes, I do keep a full-size Christmas tree up all year long!

And finally, my imperial room in my basement. Yes, I have a pet turtle which I caught myself. I also think the bear is a nice touch, don’t you?

As always, if you’d like to see Gloriana for yourself, my Dream Address is DA-5313-0640-4319.

Next up: A tour of the rest of the homes on my island!

Chickadee Thursday

When I visited Chickadee’s Animal Crossing: New Horizons island for my birthday last week, we wore matching dresses in our favorite colors:

I think this is Mommy & Me style at its best!

Happy Birthday to Me!

It’s my birthday…I woke up to a party this morning!

My family gave me some wonderful presents (as always!):

The one thing I really wanted to do today was go somewhere interesting and see something beautiful. I decided on the Lafayette Square neighborhood of St. Louis, where we got to see a charming park and some stunning architecture (plus a little history thrown in, for fun!):

Since we were visiting a park named for “America’s Favorite Fighting Frenchman,” I wore my French Market skirt from Pinup Girl Clothing, and accessorized with my favorite color, purple:

When we got home, I attended an all-penguin birthday party on Gloriana:

I’m so happy Roald came to my birthday!!!

We watched one of my favorite movies this afternoon (Ferris Bueller’s Day Off), and I kept that theme going with a Chicago-style pizza for dinner:

Speaking of Chicago, my birthday cake was a copycat of the Portillo’s chocolate cake recipe. Bunny baked it, Ladybug frosted it, and Chickadee sprinkled it:

I ended the day watching our favorite pitmaster, David Sandusky of Beast Craft BBQ, compete on the premiere episode of season two of BBQ Brawl on Food Network (he advanced to the next round!), and visiting Chickadee’s island for a birthday celebration at her house:

I had a great time celebrating my birthday with my family!

An Island Tour

For the last year-plus, I’ve been working hard to make Gloriana the home I want it to be…now it’s time for an island tour!

Let’s begin with my house:

Just outside my door, I have a rainbow tulip garden:

Roald’s house is right next door…he’s the best neighbor!

I spent a long time creating an initial garden with my favorite flowers:

The plaza is the center of island life, and hosts many events (like the New Year’s countdown):

The museum is one of my favorite locations, and I love the fountain and flowers out front!

I do most of my shopping at Nook’s Cranny:

But if I need clothes, the Able Sisters store is the place to be!

There’s a pumpkin patch and apple orchard to visit at any time of year:

I have a Japanese garden:

And a tea garden:

I love the various seasonal shrubs I have planted all around my island!

It’s Christmas all year long on Gloriana!

My ice bar is also up all year long, but it looked the best when there was snow on the ground:

My cherry blossom viewing area is also my bell orchard:

It’s Festivale all year long on the dance floor:

And the table is always set for Thanksgiving:

I love welcoming visitors at my campsite:

Gullivarrr helped me a create a pirate-themed area on the beach:

And I have a Mario set-up on the cliffs:

Just because there are endless beaches doesn’t mean I don’t also need a pool for spa days:

I really love my cozy dog park:

And I have an über-fancy black and gold rose garden:

Since I couldn’t have a beach volleyball net, a basketball court was the next best thing!

Celeste helped me create a space exploration area:

There’s also a wedding corner:

I love a beach cookout!

It’s nice to take a break in my outdoor café:

I have some whimsical palm tree lamps to go with the actual palm trees:

I also enjoy having a picnic under a palm tree on the beach:

I’ve had fun collecting springy ride-ons:

And just in case I get bitten by the travel bug, there’s a terrific little airport…but it’s always nice to come back home!

I hope you enjoyed my tour of my favorite locations on Gloriana! If you’d like to visit for yourself in your dreams, my address is DA-5313-0640-4319.